I have a good ear which helps me work out melodies with ease this is great for music as sometimes i cannot find sheet music for my songs. I like listening to music which helps me pick out instruments and the tune of what i need to play. This also helps me as i can't find the sheet music for a lot of songs i want to play. My listening skills help me know when I'm playing something correctly and incorrectly. I am confident which helps me perform on stage. My confidence will help me with my performance with no hesitation. I have good piano technique in my hands. This is good because i need to be able to play a whole song fluidly to make sure it sounds good for an audience. My technique will make sure i keep the song going.

I need to practise more often as i don't get enough of it, this is bad because i need as much practise as I can get if I want to achieve a high grade for this subject. I usually make a mistake when I am playing and stop. This is bad because sometimes it ruins the whole performance as i stop completely, therefore i need to keep going if i make a mistake instead of stop, as it is only a small error.

Opportunities to improve
I need to improve my piano playing skills, this can be done with more practise as practise makes perfect, it is important that i improve this because it will contribute to our final performance and will showcase my improvement over the duration of the course. I would also like to improve the number of mistakes i make during a song, this is because i would like our performance to sound perfect so we can all get a good grade and improving this would achieve that.

Threats to hinder my development
A big threat to my development would be the lack of space around the school as some lessons we are in the main room and Toby can play on the good drum kit but then there are other lessons where we are in a different room and cant get much done because we have to find a keyboard and Toby has to use a different drum kit. Another threat would be the amount of time we have as we need to get all of our songs done and practised in time and i still haven't done that yet, also we only have an hour a week to practise as a band. Another threat would be the lack of amps in the school as most of the time i have to play without one and you can barely hear the piano, this is bad because the audience will need to hear the piano during the final performance and i need to know what it sounds like before performing too.

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