230 Assessment

TASK 1 Planning 

Learning outcome – be able to plan for a live performance

-       Explain your realistic and achievable goals, which must relate to your aspirations and expectation of the performance. 
-       There will be some tutor input into this undertaking. 
- Based on your personal goals you will give evidence to show that you understand what the performance will look and feel like, what its duration will be and how you will engage with it. 
-       You will also give evidence to show understanding of health and safety implications associated with performing music that take into account the context (place, people involved, audience etc.) in which the performance is taking place. 

- Explain your realistic and achievable goals, which must relate to your aspirations and expectation of the performance.
- There will be very little tutor input into this undertaking.
- Based on your personal goals you will give evidence to show that you have a clear understanding of what the performance will look and feel like, what its duration will be and how you will engage with it.
- You will also give evidence to show a clear understanding of health and safety implications associated with performing music that take into account the context (place, people involved, audience etc.) in which the performance is taking place.

- Explain your realistic and achievable goals, which must relate to your aspirations and expectation of the performance. Take ownership of these goals.
- There will be little or no tutor input into this undertaking.
- Based on your personal goals you will give evidence to show that you have a clear understanding of what the performance will look and feel like, what its duration will be and how you will engage with it. Within this there will be strong evidence of clear understanding of where potential issues may lie. Strategies for how these may be overcome effectively will be in place. 
- You will also give evidence to show a clear understanding of health and safety implications associated with performing music that take into account the context (place, people involved, audience etc.) in which the performance is taking place. You must show clear understanding of where issues may occur and how they may be avoided. 

Answer the following questions in full sentences. Then check back to the grading criteria to see if you have met your target grade:

1.     My statement of personal aims:

Think about your contribution to the event and answer the following questions.

a)    What do you want to achieve through your contribution (performance or compositions)? E.g. improve my confidence with performance by playing in front of audiences more, develop my skills with more practise, develop my collaboration skills by working with my group and practising to make sure we are in time and create a good chemistry. (You can write as many realistic and achievable goals as you like here. I have started the sentence for you below but feel free to change it if you wish).

Through my contribution to the event I would like to achieve the following goals:

  • I would like to develop my skills by practising more often. This is important because practise is the main thing that will help me develop my skills.
  • I want to be able to play for the whole 15 minutes with little to no mistakes by rehearsing our performance whole and record it so i can point them out.

b) What skills do you have that you can use?

I think that I have the following skills which I will use to help me achieve these goals:

  • I like listening to music which will help me pick out the instruments and the tune of what i need to play. This is important because i can't find the sheet music for a lot of the pop songs we are doing. I will need to rely on my listening skills to help know when i'm playing something correctly and incorrectly.
  • I am confident which will help me perform on stage. This is important because i will need to be able to play in front of an audience for the live performance. I will need to rely on my confidence to be able to do the performance with no hesitation.
  • I have good piano technique in my hands. This is important because i need to be able to play a whole song fluidly to make sure it sounds good for the audience. I will need to rely on my technique to make sure i keep the song going.
  • I have a good ear which can help me work out melodies. This is important again as sometimes i cannot find the sheet music for our songs. I will need to rely on this to work out some of our songs and maybe add my own sort of style to it by changing it up a bit.

c)     How will you know if you have achieved it?

I will know if I’ve achieved it because……

  • My piano playing skills will be more fluid than before. This will be important for me as i want the performance to go well and i will need fluidity for this as the song needs to have a good flow to sound good.
  • When i rehearse the 15 minute performance there will not be many mistakes or none. This will be perfect for the performance as it will seem professional which is what we want.
d)    How will you meet the expectations of the audience? E.g. will you find out what the audience would like to hear? If so how? Consider repertoire, quality, length, stage presence etc.

We will meet the expectations of the audience by knowing what style of music they would want to hear by looking at the age group and seeing what's in style with them, we will make sure it is the right length and keep it flowing so the audience don't get bored. This is important as the audience need to be entertained otherwise the performance will be a failure.

2.     Plan of my contribution to the performance

a)    What are the requirements of the brief and how will you meet them? Put the brief into your own words and explain how you will meet what it is asking for
We have to Perform 15 minutes of music for an event with a live audience, it has to be in front of an audience and they have to be entertained therefore we should do songs that we know the age group would like.

b)    What do you intend to do? E.g. I intend to perform on the keyboard. I will play the following songs: 

  1. What i got - Sublime
  2. Californication - RHCP
  3. Song 2 - Blur
  4. (Solo) Chamber of Reflection - Mac Demarco
  5. undecided

First I will play Californication It will be a good opening song because it involves the whole band and has parts for everyone. This will be a group piece. 

c)     How will you do it? E.g. rehearsals, work with tutor, record self and listen back to it, dress rehearsal (week before) etc.
We will rehearse in our own time and practise with each other to ensure perfect timing and quality to make sure the audience will enjoy it. This is important as we need to rehearse as a group to figure out our timing and hearing what it could sound like when we have our live performance.

d)    Who will you need to involve?
Toby and Jack.

e)    What resources will you need?
Keyboard, amps, drum kit.

f)     What time is needed for each song/ activity (e.g. dress rehearsal/ recording)?
The time needed for each song will be around 3 to 4 minutes this is because most of our songs are that long.

g)    What are the health and safety issues for rehearsals and the performances (think of noise levels, cables, audience, working with others)
Make sure the noise is at an appropriate level so we don't damage the audience's hearing.

Now type up neatly and clearly your set list for the programme. Make sure it includes full titles of songs, original artists and the names of anyone you will perform it with. 

My set list:


  • What i got - Sublime 
  • Californication RHCP
  • Song 2 - Blur
My Group

Style and Image:

Describe your style and image for the event. Make sure you justify your choices (is it appropriate for the audience?)
Our style and image for the event will be 

Ideas for the performance:

How will you make sure it runs smoothly, organisation, anything extra you need and how will you get it?
We will make sure it runs smoothly and organised by rehearsing before the performance so we can hear what it will sound like right before we perform. This will be important as we will be able to see what our timing is going to sound like for the performance.

Staging and equipment needs:

What equipment do you need and why? 
Keyboard because it is the instrument i will be playing and we need an amp for the keyboard and guitar so the audience can hear our instruments at a good volume. it is important that we have an amp as we want the sound quality to be its best for the audience.

What are the staging requirements? E.g. space needed, placement of equipment etc.
We will need a whole stage for the drums and for the piano so we have enough space to play.

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