Term Review 2 (Easter)

What have you improved this year?
I have improved my piano skills as i can now play better and more fluently than i used to, i know this because i have recorded our performances and i can see an improvement in these, this is good because i can learn more advanced parts of songs we are going to perform for our final performance.

Which musical goals have you achieved?
I have achieved my goal of being able to play more chords than i used to, this is good because i will be able to play better for our final performance.

How are you finding the rehearsal process?
I am finding the rehearsal process quite good as we are getting a lot done within our rehearsal time, this is good because the more rehearsal time we get, then the better will will play as a group and we will have more time to improve our timing. 

What changes will you need to make to improve your musical work next year?
I will need to practise more at home and learn more songs, I also need to do some techniques to help my learning, this will improve my work as i will be able to play much better and will show an improvement.

Write a target to achieve next year
Practise more at home by making a schedule

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