Personal Goals & Musical Experience

In year 8 i had piano lessons at the school every week to help me get better at the instrument, this has helped me develop my skills over time. In year 6 i played guitar and learnt a few chords for it.
  • I would like to develop my skills by practising more often. This is important because practise is the main thing that will help me develop my skills. I will know if i've achieved this because my piano playing skills will be more fluid than before. This will be important for me as i want the performance to go well and i will need fluidity for this as the song needs to have a good flow to sound good.
  • I want to be able to continue when making a mistake and not disrupt my timing to do this i can practise to backing tracks on youtube that will continue forcing me to keep in time with the pulse i could also practise with a metronome and isolate the parts where i am making a mistake and practise those instead of starting from the beginning.
  • I want to be able to play for the whole 15 minutes with little to no mistakes by rehearsing our performance whole and record it so i can point them out. I will know if i have achieved this because when i rehearse the 15 minute performance there will not be many mistakes or none. This will be perfect for the performance as it will seem professional which is what we want.