Rehearsal Diary

Monday 26th September 2016
Rehearsal 1 - Californication

What is going well?
Jack and Toby know there parts and are working on timing, I'm learning Californication on keyboard because that is the first song we have all decided to start playing .

What didn't go well?
We spent quite a while deciding on what song we should learn first because we had a list of five different songs, so we didn't have much time to practise playing.

What do you need to work on next rehearsal session?
I need to work on learning more parts of the song, e.g: riff because i have only learnt a couple of chords and i can't just repeat them through the whole song, so next lesson i am going to bring some sheets of how to play it.

What did you learn?
I learnt how to play the main chords of Californication on keyboard because i need to know how to play it for our performance.

Monday 3rd October 2016
Rehearsal 2 - Californication

What is going well?
I am practising the new parts i have learnt which are 4 different chords to transition in to the chorus of Californication, this is going to help me now because i can play along more with Jack and Toby as they already know how to play it.

What didn't go well?
I couldn't set up the piano at first so i was a bit behind than everyone else which slowed down my rehearsal time.

What do you need to work on next rehearsal session?
i need to work on being in time with Jack and Toby because this will be key for our performance otherwise the whole song could sound bad if we are not in time.

What did you learn?
I learnt a better way to play the chorus as now i only play one chord which is easier for me. I have also learnt the part that transitions into the chorus, so I am slowly but surely learning the whole song.

Monday 10th October 2016
Rehearsal 3 - Californication

What is going well?
I have been gradually playing the song better than before because as i keep practising the less mistakes i make which will help in our performance to make sure it is the best we can do.

What didn't go well?

What do you need to work on next rehearsal session?
I need to work on changing my playing patterns to make out version of Californication sound unique to the real one.

What did you learn?
I learnt how to play the song little to without no mistakes which is great because the song and performance will now sound better overall.

Wednesday 12th October 2016
Rehearsal 4 - Californication

What is going well?
We can all now play our individual parts and all we have to do now is play together to work on our timing of the song.

What didn't go well?
Toby had to use the electronic drum kit which wasn't very good because it didn't work properly, this was bad for our rehearsal because we couldn't play together properly.

What do you need to work on next rehearsal lesson?
We need to work on going through the whole song over again because next lesson we are performing out song to the class, going through the song will help us because we will be able to see where we are going wrong if we play it multiple times.

What did you learn?
I learnt how to play the whole of Californication throughout with no mistakes, now our performance will sound great.

Monday 31st October 2016
Rehearsal 5 - Heart Shaped Box - Nirvana

What is going well?
We have all decided to pick Heart Shaped Box as our second song and i have been playing well for only just learning the first part.

What didn't go well?
My guitar wasn't working in the amp so i had to play acoustically which was annoying because i couldn't hear it that well with the other instruments playing at the same time.

What do you need to work on next rehearsal lesson?
I need to start learning more of the song for next lesson.

What did you learn?
I started to learn the main riff of heart shaped box on guitar it was kind of confusing at first but i got there in the end.

Wednesday 2nd November 2016
Rehearsal 6 - Heart shaped Box - Nirvana

What is going well?
I have been doing it better.

What didn't go well?

What do you need to work on next rehearsal lesson?
I still need to learn more of the song on guitar.

What did you learn?
I learnt more of the riff.

Monday 7th November 2016
Rehearsal 7 Heart Shaped Box - Nirvana

What is going well?
I'm playing better

What didn't go well?
we have to learn the riff differently which is harder than the other way

What do you need to work on next lesson?
I need to practise the new riff to get it perfect

What have you learnt?
I have learnt the main riff of heart shaped box on guitar.

Monday 14th November 2016
Rehearsal 8  Heart Shaped Box - Nirvana

What is going well?
we have practised being in time.

What didn't go well?

What do you need to work on next lesson?
We need to work on learning more of the song.

What have you learnt?
I have learnt the riff more clearly.

Wednesday 16th November 2016
Rehearsal 9 Come as you are - Nirvana

What is going well?
I am mostly in time with everyone.

What didn't go well?
We spent 20 minutes figuring out what song we were going to do.

What do you need to work on next lesson?
I need to work on doing the main riff more in time.

What have you learnt?
I have learnt the main riff of come as you are on piano.

Monday 21st November 2016
Rehearsal 10 Come as you are - Nirvana

What is going well?
I am playing with mostly no errors.

What didn't go well?
We didn't practise together, we did our own things.

What do you need to work on next lesson?
I need to work on playing with my group more.

What have you learnt?
I have learnt to play with less mistakes.

Monday 28th November 2016
Rehearsal 11 Come as you are - Nirvana

What is going well?
I can play the riff with no mistakes.

What didn't go well?
We didn't practise much as Jack wasn't in, and i had a guitar lesson.

What do you need to work on next lesson?
We need to play together and try and work on being in time.

What have you learnt?
I have learnt to play with no mistakes.

Wednesday 30th November 2016
Rehearsal 12 Come as you are - Nirvana

What is going well?
We are practising better than before.

What didn't go well?

What do you need to work on next lesson?
I need to just keep practising and use my lesson time wisely.

What have you learnt?
I have learnt everything in need to.

Monday 5th December 2016
Rehearsal 13 Come as you are/Iron man

What is going well?
We are learning two songs at once and i have already learnt the main riff of iron man on piano.

What didn't go well?

What do you need to work on next lesson?
I need to work on learning the rest of the riffs for iron man.

What have you learnt?
I have learnt the main riff for iron man which is important for me to get right because it is repeated throughout the whole song.

Monday 12th December 2016
We didn't have a practical lesson today as there were exams in the hexagon so we wrote about our music style development.

Wednesday 14th December 2016
Rehearsal 15 - Iron Man

What is going well?
We are improving as i can go through the song a lot faster which will help me when we have to perform, we are all going through the song to be in time which was also mostly going well.

What didn't go well?
I didn't learn any new parts of the song which i need to do for when we perform i think i need to learn more of the song because i have just been playing the same part every lesson, Jack also kept speeding up while playing the song which threw me off and made it hard to practise.

What do you need to work on next lesson?
I need to work on learning new parts of the song to play in time with jack otherwise i will only be playing a small portion of the song.

What have you learnt?
I have tried learning the next part of the song but i didn't have time so i am a bit behind, but i am going to try and learn more of the song next lesson to make sure i am not just going through the same part over and over again.

Monday 19th December 2016
Rehearsal 16 - Iron Man

What is going well?
Me and Jack are playing in time and i am trying out new ways to play the song on the piano

What didn't go well?
Toby had to go to a drum thing so me and Jack had to practise by ourselves.

What do you need to work on next lesson?
I need to work on when to play louder and when to play quieter on the piano so you can hear it while Jack is playing the guitar.

What have you learnt?
I have learnt how to change up the way i play the song and add new parts with the same chords to make our version unique.

Monday 2nd January 2017
Rehearsal 17 - Iron Man

What is going well?
We are all playing well and are in time with each other which is great.

What didn't go well?
Nothing didn't go well.

What do you need to work on next lesson?
I need to work on playing the end of the song as i have mostly learnt it.

What have you learnt?
I have learnt more of the song.

Wednesday 4th January 2017
Rehearsal 18 - Iron Man

What is going well?
We are all continuing to practise throughout the whole lesson and are playing in time an well with each other.

What didn't go well?
Everything went well.

What do you need to work on next lesson?
I need to work on learning parts of our other songs that will be in our performance.

What have you learnt?
I have learnt most of the song.

Monday 9th January 2017
Rehearsal 19 - Iron Man

What is going well?
I am playing better

What didn't go well?

What do you need to work on next lesson?

What have you learnt?
Everything i need to for the song.

Monday 16th January 2017
I wasn't in school this day.

Wednesday 18th January 2017
Rehearsal 21 - Iron Man

What is going well?
We can play a chunk of the song really well but that's the only thing we know how to do.

What didn't go well?
We have just been repeating the same parts we already know from Iron Man instead of trying to learn new parts, this is bad because if we keep repeating parts we already know, then we are just wasting our rehearsal time.

What do you need to work on next lesson?
We need to go through all of our songs we have learnt together as we could forget how to play them if we don't practise all of the regularly.

Monday 23rd January 2017
Rehearsal 22 - Can't Stop

What is going well?
We have decided to learn a new song because we have basically learnt the whole of Iron Man. The new song we have chosen is Can't Stop by The RHCP.

What didn't go well?
Toby's crash for his drums was broken so we had to get him one which wasted rehearsing time and made us fall behind because of this.

What did you learn?
I have started to learn the main riff of Can't Stop which has been going well but i also need to start working on being in time with Jack and Toby.

What do you need to work on next lesson?
i need to start working on being in time with my other group members and i also need to learn the chorus of the song because i only know how to play a small portion of it.

Monday 30th January 2017
Rehearsal 23 - Can't Stop

What is going well?
We were playing in time for most of the song and it sounds great so far as Jack and Toby know what they have to play and all i need to learn now is how to transition between the chorus and riff.

What didn't go well?
I was quite stuck on how to play the chorus for the first half of the lesson but i eventually learnt how to play it in the end, this is good because now i can play along more with Jack and Toby.

What did you learn?
I learnt how to play the chorus of Can't Stop after many failed attempts of trying to learn how to play it.

What do you need to work on next lesson?
I need to work mt transitioning from the main riff of the song to the chorus of the song, because it doesn't sound exactly the same when i play it.

Wednesday 1st February 2017
Rehearsal 24

I wasn't in on this day.

Monday 6th February 2017
Rehearsal 25 - Can't Stop

What is going well?
We are all playing in time and have learnt the main part of the song, we also performed in front of the class.

What didn't go well?
Toby stopped playing halfway through the performance which made our recording short and ruined it so we will have to it again.

What did you learn?
I learnt a better way to play the song because last time i was playing in the wrong pitch and now i have the right pitch the song will sound much better than it did before.

What do you need to work on next lesson?
I need to work on learning more of the song because i have only learnt the first part but not the chorus so I'm going to practise it.

Performance recording to the class.
Download the track here.

Wednesday 22nd February 2017
Rehearsal 26 - Can't Stop, Song 2

What is going well?
We are moving on to a new song for our performance as we have only learnt three songs so far, this will be our 4th song out of five we need to learn for the performance.

What didn't go well?
We had a bit of trouble playing in time because at some parts some of us were speeding up which made things fall apart but we kind of got there in the end.

What did you learn?
I have begun to learn the new song we are doing and it just repeats the same five chords over and over so it will be very easy to learn.

What do you need to work on next lesson?
We need to work on being in time with each other for our performance to be as flawless as it can  possibly be.

Monday 27th February 2017
Rehearsal 27 - Song 2

What is going well?
We are mostly playing in time with each other which has been quite tricky in past rehearsals but it will be good for our performance and next recording as we all need to be in time for it to sound good.

What didn't go well?
We spent the whole lesson playing Song 2 (which we already know how to play) instead of learning something new or practising our other songs which haven't been perfected.

What did you learn?
I learnt the whole song because it is just the same chords throughout the song therefore it is quite easy, and I'm just practising now.

What do you need to work on next lesson?
I need to work on practising more and also how loud i play at certain parts of the song, this is important because some parts of the song go really loud at also there are other parts where the song goes really quiet.

Monday 6th March 2017
Rehearsal 28 

What is going well?
We went into the portacabins and practised all of our songs because we are coming close to recording our draft performance, this lesson Toby used the electronic drum kit this lesson which sounded good.

What didn't go well?
I spent a bit of the lesson without a piano because there wasn't one in the room at first but i got one in the end this put me behind because i had less performance time.

What did you learn?
I learnt to transition from one song to another as we practised this during the lesson because we will need to be able to move from one song to another smoothly in our final performance.

What do you need to work on next lesson?
I need to work on playing all of our songs so far continuously to get ready for our final performance because it will be easier if we keep playing them all at once

Wednesday 8th March 2017
Rehearsal 29

What is going well?
We played Iron Man, Song 2, and Can't Stop which went well because when we were playing it there were little to no mistakes which is going to be good for our final performance.

What didn't go well?
There were some parts where we had to go over again because we messed it up but this was also good because we can learn to get good at those parts.

What did you learn?
I learnt to play in time with all of my other band members.

What do you need to work on next lesson?
I need to work on playing our final song: What i got by Sublime because i need to play along with Jack and Toby for our final performance.

Monday 13th March 2017
Rehearsal 30

What is going well?
We began playing our final song: What I Got by Sublime and it went quite well because i could play the first few chords in time with Jack and Toby.

What didn't go well?
Toby kept throwing his drumsticks at the wall when we got a minute into the song because he got stressed and it wasn't helping our rehearsal time.

What did you learn?
I learnt the first few chords of the song but i still need to learn the chorus and most of the other parts for our performance.

What do you need to work on next lesson?
I need to work on learning the rest of the song for next lesson because I want to be ready before our rehearsal.

Wednesday 22nd March 2017
Rehearsal 31

What is going well?
We were playing in time for the whole lesson which is a big achievement as it is better for our performance to be in time with each other.

What did you learn?
I learnt the chorus of the song which is good because now i can play more with everyone else in the performance.

What do you need to work on next lesson?
I need to work on the part after the chorus if i want to be able to play the whole song in its entirety.

Monday 27th March 2017
Rehearsal 32

What is going well?
We did our performance this lesson and it went alright because we were in time at first but slowly drifted out of time.

What didn't go well?
We were out of time for a small portion of the performance and you couldn't really hear the piano while i was playing it because the guitar was too loud.

Monday 24th April 2017
Rehearsal 33

What is going well?
We are practising all of our songs so our performance can be perfect.

What didn't go well?
We didn't practise all of the songs we wanted to which is bad because we will have to do it another time and won't have enough practise of it.

Monday 1st May 2017
Rehearsal 34

What is going well?
Me and Toby practised our 5 songs by ourselves because Jack wasn't in school, we managed to go through most of the songs but not fully because Jack usually plays the solos.

What didn't go well?
Jack wasn't in today so we couldn't all play together which is bad because we all need to play together to know our timings and etc. for the 15 minutes performance.

Monday 8th May 2017
Rehearsal 35

What is going well?
Jack wasn't in today so me and Toby practised by ourselves in the electronic drumkit room. This went well even though we didn't have everyone there as we went through a few of our songs.

What didn't go well?
The electronic drumkit wasn't working very well this lesson so we had to put up with it which was a bit annoying.

Monday 15th May 2017
Rehearsal 36

What is going well?
This lesson we practised all our songs again.

Monday 22nd May 2017
Rehearsal 37

What is going well?
Jack wasn't in this lesson and everyone was performing so me and Toby performed Chamber of Reflection which we will perform without Jack in our final performance.

What didn't go well?
I had to rush to practise the song because I didn't quite remember it.

Year 11
Monday 11th September 2017
Rehearsal 1

What is going well?
We have started practising song 2 which has been going well as we can perform it better now from practising over the summer.

What didn't go well?
Toby was messing about by annoying louie which affected our rehearsal time.

What do you need to work on next lesson?
Next lesson we need to work on the rest of our songs to see the improvements we made over summer.

Monday 25th September 2017
Rehearsal 2

What is going well?
We have begun practising what i got for our performance which has been going well.

What didn't go well?
Halfway through the lesson we had to switch and i had to practise by myself which is bad as i don't know my timing with my band.

What do you need to work on next lesson?
Next lesson we need to work on what i got a bit more and i need to work on some solos for my final performance.

Monday 2nd October 2017
Rehearsal 3

What is going well?
This lesson i worked by myself to practise my new solo which is Chamber of Reflection, i have chose this song as i have played it before and mostly know how to play it on piano already.

What didn't go well?
I spent most of the lesson figuring out what song i should choose for my solo, this wasted a lot of time because i could have been practising if i chose a song beforehand.

What do you need to work on next lesson?
Next lesson i need to work on practising chamber of reflection some more to make it sound better than what i have at the moment.

Monday 9th October 2017
Rehearsal 4

What is going well?
This lesson i worked with my group again to practise some of our songs, we practised on the stage this time so Toby could use the better drums, and we went through a few of our songs again which went well.

What didn't go well?
We spent a bit of time trying to get the drum from behind the stage which wasted a bit of our time in which we could have been practising as a band.

What do you need to work on next lesson?
Next lesson i will need to spend the first half practising my solo and the other half practising with my band to ensure i get the most out of the lesson as i will be able to achieve two things in the lesson.

Monday 30th October 2017
Rehearsal 5

What is going well?
This lesson I practised my solo Chamber of Reflection this went well as i practised by myself for the first half of the lesson and i got a lot done, this is good because i need to practise as much as i can for my final performance

What didn't go well?
I wasn't able to work with my group for most of the lesson as i was trying to practise my solo piece, this is bad because we don't get much time to practise as a group.

What do you need to work on next lesson?
Next lesson i need to work on our five songs as a group to get some more practise with my group this will be good because we will be able to sort out all of our timing together.

Monday 4th December 2017
Rehearsal 6

What is going well?
This lesson we practised Californication as it will be our first song we do in our final performance, this went well as we played the song the whole way through and it sounded good, this will be good for our performance as it means we could achieve a higher grade.

What didn't go well?
We didn't practise many of our songs as we only had time to practise Californication because we worked on our powerpoints for the rest of the lesson.

What do you need to work on next lesson?
Next lesson I need to work on the other songs we are doing in the perfomance because we only got one done this lesson and we don't have much time for all five songs therefore we need to practise them again.

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