Mid Term Review

What are the musical goals you want to achieve this year?
I want to be able to transition my chords with no hesitation and want to be able to play songs i like.

Are these musical goals new/have they changed from when you first wrote your goals on your blog?
No as i have wanted to achieve this goal since i first started playing my instrument.

Do you think you are achieving these goals? How do you know?
Yes i believe i am achieving these goals as i have been transitioning a lot quicker than i used to as my muscle memory has improved.

Is there anything stopping you from achieving these goals?
No I can practise as much as i like at home so its my responsibility to improve.

What do you need to focus on each lesson to achieve these goals?
I need to focus on practising as much as i can and to look at my left hand while playing to see my chord patterns.

Write in detail what you would like to achieve this year in music?
I would like to be able to play the guitar much better than i can, and io want to be able to play a song through the whole way with no hesitation and no errors.

Write five things you need to learn/need to be taught for you to become the musician you want to become?
I need to learn more chords off by heart.
Transition Chords easier and faster.
Learn more strumming techniques.
Not mute out the other strings.
Press down on the strings harder.

What's happened in the last few lessons?
Not a lot has happened in the last few lessons because Jack hasn't been in school and Toby's drums weren't very good but i practised the main riff of come as you are on piano more to get no mistakes. Next time we need to go through the whole of the song.

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