End of Year Evaluation

What has gone well this year?
This year i think i have improved on my piano skills as i have been learning more throughout the year and i'm more confident with my playing than i was last year as i get more done throughout each lesson and I am working through our songs quicker than i did before.

What hasn't gone well this year?
I don't think that i have practised as much as i should have this year as a lot of time was wasted doing less than what i could have done. I also think that we need more time to practise and rehearse with each other so we can make everything perfect as we do not get enough time as a group to practise with each other therefore our timing is not always the best.

My Goals

  • I would like to develop my skills by practising more often. This is important because practise is the main thing that will help me develop my skills.

  • I want to be able to continue when making a mistake and not disrupt my timing to do this.

  • I want to be able to play for the whole 15 minutes with little to no mistakes by rehearsing our performance whole and record it so i can point them out.
I believe I have developed my skills since I made that goal 
as I can play better than before, this is good because it will make the final performance sound a lot better than It would have done if my skills were undeveloped. I've also reached my second goal I can now continue after making a mistake instead of stopping, this is good because it means I won't have to stop the whole performance if I get something wrong. I think I have somewhat reached goal three because I have been practising our five songs ever since we decided on them which means I won't have many mistakes, this is good because if I make loads of mistakes then the performance will not sound professional.

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